The Ranfurly Home for Children Helps Children in Nassau, Bahamas

Lester Turnquest serves as managing director of The Green Bay Group, headquartered in Nassau, Bahamas. In addition to his professional obligations, Lester Turnquest aids the people of Nassau, Bahamas and the surrounding communities through his support of charities such as the Ranfurly Home for Children.

The Ranfurly Home for Children was established in the 1950s, following a large fire in downtown Nassau. The governor general’s wife, Lady Hermione Ranfurly, was saddened by the condition of local children left without homes after the fire, and began work to establish a place of refuge for them.

Today, the Ranfurly Home houses and cares for children aged 11 to 18 who have experienced neglect, family upheaval, or abandonment. The Home can support 40 teenagers at a time, and offers a study center, a kitchen, and recreational areas.

Moving forward, the Ranfurly Home would like to expand its services for people who turn 18 and age out of the home. Volunteers have plans to work toward transitional housing and employment services for these young adults in need of these services.

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